Treating Children with Osteopathy

Children can be treated by an osteopath at Southpoint Health in Miranda
Children can be treated by an osteopath at Southpoint Health in Miranda

Muscles and bones are usually referred as musculoskeletal system. When discussed separately, they are known as skeletal system and muscular system. These two body systems are interconnected with each other. From childhood to adulthood, these systems work together to provide you support and strength.

Parents should bring their children to osteopath for early assessment and diagnostics. Osteopathic treatment is safe for children and leaves no side effects at all. Depending on the condition of your child, the osteopath may suggest massaging and manipulation of bones without cracking, ligaments, joints, tendons, and muscles.

Children should be treated with soft hands and distributed force. To bring back the balance, it is important that osteopath identify the problem before initiating the treatment. 

In this article, we will discuss why it is necessary to take your children to an osteopath. Moreover, how an osteopath will ensure your child’s wellbeing.

Osteopathy and Child Injuries

Children are prone to injuries no matter how much you take care of them. They are going to hurt themselves during the process of learning. As they start learning to crawl, walk or cycle, there are high chances that they fall over and hurt themselves. It shouldn’t mean that you don’t allow them to learn new stuff. However, you must be ready to remedy the problem as soon as possible.

Apart from natural learning process, some kids like to climb everything as soon as you leave them alone. Occasionally, they fail to climb or fall from some height resulting in a strain.

In case of injury or strain, osteopathic treatment is the best solution as it doesn’t involve sharp tools and complicated process. An osteopath examines the area carefully and brings back the balance immediately. Furthermore, they guide you how to avoid the problem in future.

Osteopathic Treatment for Neck Pain and Headaches in Children

When a child is crying, it is not necessary they want something or hungry, they may be experiencing a headache or migraine. Some studies suggest that about ten percent children suffer from a migraine. Moreover, forty percent children suffer from a headache. These study results are quite similar to adult studies.

Few headaches start off from the neck and osteopathy is the only solution for it. Most of the time when a child experiences a headache, it originates from the neck. Children who just started their school experience have neck strains more often as compared to other. Osteopathic professionals take care of their neck and reduce the strains. With frequent treatments, your child does not get these headaches as osteopathic treatment focuses on the trigger points.

Osteopathy for Children with Pigeon Toes

Most of the kids start walking with pigeon toes. Pigeon toes are a condition where children walk with feet pointing in. It is completely normal and usually children outgrow it after five years. If your children are still walking with pigeon toes after five years, osteopathic treatment can help you.

There might be some tension in the muscles or any strain that is causing the problem. In a rare case, there may be some bone issue and an osteopath will guide you about further tests.

Osteopathy is a perfect solution for children with only one pigeon toe. Usually, it is because of stress in the muscles. A couple of visits to Southpoint Health in Miranda can help to solve the problem.

Other Benefits of Osteopathy for Children

Osteopathy offers you a range of benefits regardless of your age. Osteopathic treatment can give you pain relief from body pain. Osteopathic treatment helps in improving the digestion of your baby while reducing indigestion, constipation, poor sleeping patterns, and reflux. Apart from these conditions, there are some other situations where an osteopath can assist you.

  1. Pain in bones, feet, joints and muscles
  2. Postural conditions and spine curvature
  3. Effects of cerebral palsy
  4. Developmental dysplasia of the hip

Visiting an osteopath in early stages can improve your child’s health immediately while reducing the chances of any complication. It is highly recommended that you visit osteopath as soon as you notice a problem. 

Find an Osteopath Near Me

Finding an osteopath can be a daunting task if you are not familiar with experienced osteopaths. If you are about to start osteopathic treatment, you might be confused where to start and who is the best osteopath in your region. Southpoint Health in Miranda is one of the best osteopaths in Australia. With experiences over many years, we can easily identify the problem. Once the problem is diagnosed, it is easy to treat your child. Osteopathic treatment is safer than other forms of treatment, as it involves a natural process with no harmful effects to the body.

Knee Injuries & Treatments

Knee Pain Treated at Southpoint Health

The structure of a knee comprises of ligaments, tendons, bursas, cartilage, muscles, and bones. Due to the involvement of so many parts, our knees are prone to a variety of injuries. The knee injuries result in different types of disorders, which cause minor to debilitating pain in the knee. As a result, the patient feels it difficult to walk or perform his/ her routine activities.

Discussed below are some of the common knee injuries and their treatment through osteotherapy.

Types of Knee Injuries

There are numerous types of knee injuries, which cause knee pain and discomfort. Some of the most commonly experienced knee injuries include:

  • Sprains, strains or bursitis
  • Dislocations & fractures 
  • Meniscus tears
  • Overuse injuries.

In most cases, the usual cause of Knee injuries is the excessive bending or twisting of the knee. In addition, the direct blow like accidents and sports injuries also results in knee pain. The risk factors associated with a knee injury include debilitating pain and restricted movement.

Symptoms of Knee Injuries

In fact, knee pain is a disorder, which is capable of affecting all age groups. The basic symptoms and signs of knee injury involve swelling and knee pain.

While diagnosing the knee injuries, an osteopath performs a physical examination and takes into account the medical history of the patient. In some cases, X-ray or MRI tests are also suggested for thorough analyses.

Treating the Knee Injuries with Osteopathic Treatment

In order to treat knee injury through an osteo treatment, the qualified osteopaths at Southpoint Health Miranda utilize a variety of massage therapies and manipulation techniques. For instance, the prognosis for knee injury may also serve as a viable treatment, which largely depends on the severity and type of knee injury.

In addition, the sporting knee injuries including strains and sprains are the result of muscular imbalance. To deal with this issue, the osteopaths try to reduce muscular stress through massage and manipulation. 

Being the best osteopaths in the Sutherland Shire, we can help the patients with a knee injury by addressing the muscle or joint imbalances. This results in reducing the pain, swelling, and improving overall mobility of the patient.

Even the kids and adolescents can develop knee pain due to the chronic stresses on their skeletal system. A knee injury may also result in affecting the biomechanics of the hip, lower back, leg or ankle. In this situation, cranial osteopathic treatment would serve as the best option.

Our osteopaths have years of experience, which makes them capable of dealing with chronic and acute knee pain. The techniques used are gentle and non-invasive. As a result, patients stay relaxed while receiving osteo treatment.

Osteo treatment can be helpful while addressing the imbalances and enhance the movements of the parts associated with knees. Moreover, osteotherapy helps to lower the healing time and prevent the recurrence of knee injuries.

By gaining the necessary information, we can diagnose and treat the true cause of knee pain. A person experiencing knee pain starts to walk and stand in a different manner. This results in the joint and muscle imbalance of some other parts of the body.

Our osteopaths take a whole-body approach while treating the knee injury. We analyze how the knee is influenced biomechanically through the issues of other lower body parts like foot, ankle or hip. This results in lowering the knee pain and improving the overall mobility.

How we can help?

No doubt, osteopathic treatment helps to improve the proper functioning of the knee and its movement. Here at Southpoint Health Miranda, we are committed to helping our patients to start living a normal life within the less anticipated time.

Since we are one of the well-reputed and reliable osteopaths in the Sutherland Shire, our qualified team follows the proper procedure and techniques while treating knee injuries. To start with, the osteopath considers the case history of every patient, involving past injuries, surgeries or health concerns.

We pay attention to the symptom and causes of knee pain. After that, we will examine and assess the issue behind the knee pain.  To identify any issue concerning the muscles and joints of a knee, the osteopaths try to release the muscle stress and tension.

Our osteopaths are capable of treating both chronic and acute knee pain. This kind of therapy also helps to lower the recovery time in a post-surgery scenario. If you are living in the Sutherland Shire and need osteo treatment, don’t hesitate to visit us at  Southpoint Health Miranda.

Our experienced and qualified osteopaths would be more than happy to assist you while treating your knee injuries.